Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Leave of Absence
Leave of Absence
Leave of Absence
Students may request a leave of absence due to medical, financial, personal or academic reasons, or to complete their military service, to study abroad or as a result of family circumstances or other unexpected or unavoidable cases.
- Leave of absence requests must be submitted with the Leave of Absence Application Form and supporting documentation.
- English Preparatory program students must submit their requests to the Administrative Sectary’s Office at the School of Languages.
- Undergraduate students must submit their requests to the Administrative Secretary’s Office at the respective Faculty / School in which they are enrolled.
- Graduate students must submit their requests to the Administrative Secretary’s Office at the respective Institute in which they are enrolled.
- Requests are reviewed and concluded by the respective Faculty/School/Institute Executive Board.
- English Preparatory Program students may take a leave of absence for a maximum of two semesters in total. In the case of unavoidable circumstances, a longer leave of absence may be granted, subject to the approval of the University Executive Board. The time the student spends on a leave of absence is not counted towards the student's maximum period of study. Students who exceeded their maximum periods of study are not eligible for a leave of absence request.
- Undergraduate and graduate students can be granted a leave of absence for at most two semesters at a time and for a total of four semesters throughout their periods of study.
- In modular graduate programs, students may not submit a leave of absence request for only the second module in a semester.
- For the granted leave of absence to take effect, students must have paid the tuition for the semester(s) for which they are granted a leave of absence. Students who submitted their leave of absence requests by the last business day of the fourth week from the start of classes specified for the related semester in the Academic Calendar must have paid half of the tuition required for the semesters for which they are granted a leave of absence. Students who applied for a leave of absence later must have paid all of the tuition required for the semesters for which they are granted a leave of absence, and must also fulfill all their outstanding obligations to the University, if available.
- In leave of absence requests for an academic year, the tuition payment is made for two semesters, in the first semester for which the leave of absence is taken.
- During the Spring semester of an academic year, a “one academic year” application cannot be made. Leave of absence application must be made in the following Fall semester seperately.
- Tuition paid for the semesters for which a leave of absence is taken are not offset by the subsequent semester tuition.
- During the leave of absence period, students cannot:
- Attend courses or sit for examinations,
- Stay in the on-campus dormitories,
- Partake in on-campus events or sports activities,
- Benefit from scholarships (cash stipends, housing/transportation/meal support etc.), excluding tuition waivers,
- Use items or equipment issued to students by the University.
- All courses for which the student who is granted a leave of absence is registered are dropped for the respective semester. If there are exams that have been taken, they are not evaluated.
- The courses taken at other higher education institutions during the periods when the student is on leave of absebce are not counted towards the program in which they are enrolled.
- Students who exceed their maximum period of study are not granted a leave of absence. The time that the student spends on a leave of absence is not counted towards the student’s maximum period of study.
- Students’ decision to take a leave of absence is notified to the COHE via the COHE’s information system (YOKSIS). Therefore, please be advised that should you wish to obtain a student certificate via e-government while you are on a leave of absence, your enrollment status will be denoted as “On Leave of Absence” on your student certificate.
- Scholarships you have been awarded by the Loans and Dormitories Institution (KYK), if any, may be terminated during the semesters for which a leave of absence is taken. For more information, you must contact the Loans and Dormitories Institution in person.
- The Social Security Institution (SGK) may ask you to pay your contributions for your universal health insurance plan during the semesters for which you have taken a leave of absence. For more information, you must contact the Social Security Institution in person.
- During the semester(s) where the students take a leave of absence, additional scholarships are discontinued, if any. These scholarships continue as of the period when the student becomes an active student.
- If students, who have a scholarship with a condition depending on Semester and/or Cumulative GPA, take a leave of absence, their scholarship evaluations will be made in accordance with the latest Semester and/or Cumulative GPA occured before the semester in which they take a leave of absence.
- At the end of their leave of absence, students must renew their registration and resume their studies. Students who requested a leave of absence to complete their military service must submit their "Military Discharge Certificate" to the Student Services Offic at the beginning of the semester in which they renew their registrations.
- Of the students who are granted a leave of absence for multiple semesters, those who wish to resume their studies before they complete their leave of absence period must apply in writing to the Dean’s Offices of their Faculties or Director’s Offices of their Graduate Schools/Schools before the start of course registrations. Students who return to their studies in this way; that is with Faculty/School/Institute Board Decision, and who previously paid for the semester they are enrolled is deducted from the tuition fee of the related semester.
- Students who are arrested or imprisoned can be granted a leave of absence with the approval of the University Executive Board upon the student’s request. Should arrested or imprisoned students fail to request a leave of absence, such students cannot make any claim against the University if the penal institution or other relevant authorities do not allow the student to sit for the exams or fulfill other academic obligations.
Additional Notification for International Students Enrolled Under the International Student Quota:
In accordance with the Article 35 and Clause 11 of the Regulation on the Implementation of the Law on Foreigners and International Protection, the University is obliged to inform the Directorate General of Migration Management of international students, whose registration status is changed. Within this scope, students, whose active student status has changed due to taking an academic leave of absence are notified to the related unit, and following this procedure, residence permits of those students are canceled by the Directorate General of Migration Management.
Students, whose residence permits are to be canceled, should contact the Directorate General of Migration Management to extend their permit and if they wish to obtain more detailed information.
Students can also have access to more detailed information about residence permit from our website.