Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Undergraduate Academic Merit Scholarships
Undergraduate Academic Merit Scholarships
Undergraduate Academic Merit Scholarships
Eligibility Principles:
Undergraduate students without scholarships or with partial scholarships are eligible for academic merit scholarships. Academic merit scholarships are awarded based on the following quotas to eligible students determined based on annual academic performance evaluations. Academic performance evaluations are performed at the end of the Spring semester each academic year. Students are awarded academic merit scholarships as long as they have not exceeded their regular period of study and are deemed to meet the eligibility requirements below.
There are three quotas for each faculty and school: freshman, sophomore, and junior year. The top three students in each quota who meet the following eligibility requirements by the end of the Spring semester in which the academic evaluation is performed are awarded an academic merit scholarship:
- Students must have studied at OzU for at least 2 or 3 semesters in order to qualify for the academic merit scholarships for freshman students,
- Students must have studied at OzU for at least 4 or 5 semesters in order to qualify for the academic merit scholarships for sophomore students,
- Students must have studied at OzU for at least 6 or 7 semesters in order to qualify for the academic merit scholarships for junior students.
Scholarship Eligibility Requirements:
The students must meet the following eligibility requirements in the academic year in which the academic evaluation is performed:
- Must be a registered student in an undergraduate program at OzU during the Fall and Spring semesters (Must not have taken any leave of absence or received the status of “unregistered student”),
- Must have studied for at least 2 semesters in his/her undergraduate program at OzU by the end of the Spring semester, excluding the semesters spent in the English Language Preparatory Program or the summer school,
- Must have not graduated at the end of the Spring Semester,
- Must have completed at least 24 ECTS credits both in the Fall and Spring semesters,
- Must have achieved a minimum Semester GPA of 2.50 both in the Fall and Spring semesters,
- Must have obtained a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.00 by the end of the Spring semester,
- Must have not been subject to any disciplinary actions during the period of study as per the Rules and Regulations for Student Discipline at Higher Education Institutions,
- Must have completed the following number of credits based on the number of semesters studied at OzU
Total Semesters Studied at OzU | Minimum Credits Required |
2 | 54 |
3 | 84 |
4 | 114 |
5 | 144 |
6 | 174 |
7 | 204 |
Scholarship Assignment and Assignment Rules:
Scholarship Assignment
Recipients of academic merit scholarships are determined by the Student Services Directorate based on an academic evaluation at the end of the Spring semester. Scholarships take effect pursuant to the approval of Rector.
Students who meet the eligibility requirements above are listed by their faculties/schools and years. Students on each list are ranked from the highest to the lowest based on the cumulative grade point average. Students with the same cumulative grade point average are ranked based on the following criteria until the tie is broken:
- Total number of credits completed,
- Weighted cumulative grade point average of the Fall and Spring semesters of the current academic year,
- Total number of credits completed in the Fall and Spring semesters of the current academic year,
- Not have received an F, D, or C- Grade, respectively, in the current academic year.
Students are ranked from the highest to the lowest based on these criteria. According to the ranking, the top ranking student on each list is awarded the academic merit scholarship.
Assignment Rules:
- Academic merit scholarships are assigned based on the student’s academic performance in their primary majors in which they are registered. Double major or minor students who graduated from their primary majors but not from their secondary majors or minors yet are not eligible, and therefore are not considered for academic merit scholarships for their performance in their ongoing secondary majors/minors or in their primary majors from which they graduated.
- Scholarships are assigned to students with no scholarship or partial scholarship so long as they have not exceeded their regular period of study (4 years). Any semesters studied at other higher education institutions are counted towards and deducted from the regular period of study at Özyeğin University.
- Students whose admission scholarships (tuition waivers) or other additional scholarships/discounts (Equal Opportunities in Education, International Diploma Scholarship, Employee Discount etc.) add up to 100% tuition waiver are not considered for academic merit scholarships for the respective academic year.
- The semester and cumulative grade point averages are calculated based on the average of the grades earned in all courses (including the credits and grades of courses taken in double major, and minor programs, as well as transferred courses due to horizontal/vertical transfer).
- For each year for which a quota is assigned, the semesters studied (including semesters transferred) and the total credits shown in the student’s transcripts by the end of the Spring semester in the respective academic year in which academic evaluation is performed are taken into account.
- The deadline for grade amendments and submission of incomplete grades, if any, is August 5. Any changes made after this date will not be considered for the evaluation of academic merit scholarships. However, as all Professional Flight Program students are required to complete their flights due to their flight training, the necessary duration to complete flight training is taken into account, and the evaluation for the academic merit scholarships for the Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Science students is made after the flight training is completed.
- The last day for the submission of grade and credit transfers to Student Services for outgoing Erasmus/Global exchange students is August 5. The respective academic unit and the International Office follows up on the status of the students whose grades have not been submitted. However, if the host university fails to submit the student’s grades, the recipients of academic merit scholarships are not announced for the student’s faculty and year, and instead, the announcement of recipients is postponed until the first day of course registrations for the new academic year for which the academic merit scholarship will be awarded. Any grades submitted after this date will not be considered for the evaluation of academic merit scholarships.
- When disciplinary records of horizontal transfer students are checked, both pre-transfer and post-transfer disciplinary records are taken into account.
- Students are awarded academic merit scholarships only once for each year (i.e. sophomore, junior, senior), and undergraduate students are eligible to receive academic merit scholarships up to three times throughout their period of study.
- In a case in which a student is awarded an academic merit scholarship but graduated during the summer session right before the new academic year for which the scholarship is awarded, in lieu of such a student, the academic merit scholarship is offered to the next eligible student on the waiting list, and the new recipient is notified in October at the latest.
Scope of Scholarship:
Scholarships are awarded in the form of 25 % tuition waivers and do not apply to program's additional fees (uniform and knife set fees, flight training fees etc). The scope of scholarships to be awarded in the Fall and Spring semesters the following year is revised by the Board of Trustees in the month of January every year.
Terms and Continuity:
Academic merit scholarships are non-refundable and they are offered as tuition waivers for the Fall and Spring semester of the following academic year. Academic merit scholarships are used in the year for which they are awarded. They cannot be carried onto the following year. Students who fail to renew their registrations and therefore receive the status of “unregistered student” cannot retain their academic merit scholarships. In a case in which a recipient of academic merit scholarship takes a leave of absence, the student’s academic merit scholarship will be taken into account when calculating the required tuition that the student needs to pay as per the rules and regulations.