Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Online Systems
Online Systems
Online Systems
OzU.Net Account
You may use your OzU.Net Account to access our online resources and services listed below: Your OzU.Net Account consists of a username and a password. Your username and email address will be included in your “Admission Letter”. Once you have completed your enrollment in our University, you may generate a password for your OzU.Net Account.
- Wireless Internet Access
- E-Mail Service (Google G Suite)
- Student Information System (SIS)
- Learning Management System (LMS)
- myOzU Intranet and mobile application
- Solution Center
- Online Information Resources
- Copy & Print Services
- Office 365 Service
Password Generation:
Once you have completed your enrollment in our University, we will send an email to the personal email account you provided in your Student Enrollment Information Forms. The email will include the steps you need to follow in order to generate a password. By following the steps in the email, you may generate your OzU.Net password. If you do not receive any email messages regarding your password, please click the “Forgot My Password” link on the Student Information System (SIS). The system will automatically send you an email with further guidance. In order to generate a secure and strong password, please make sure your password meets the following complexity requirements:
- Your password cannot contain your name or surname.
- Your password must have at least 8 characters in length and must have no space.
- Your password cannot contain any Turkish characters.
- Your password must include at least three of the following:
- Capital English letters (from A to Z),
- Lower Case English letters (from a to z),
- Numbers (from 0 to 9)
- Non-alphabetical characters (i.e.., !, $, #, %)
You need to wait for at least 24 hours if you wish to change your password.
After creating a password, you need to use two-factor authentication to access OzU systems.
What is two-factor authentication?
Two-factor authentication is a second layer of identity verification added to user login processes, enhancing security by requiring a second form of authentication when accessing systems. This method ensures the security of your password usage in case it falls into the wrong hands.
This authentication is performed using the "Microsoft Authenticator" application.
To learn how to install the application, please click here for the help document.
On-Campus Systems
1. Student Information System (SIS)
SIS is a system where student- related processes are managed including applications, enrollments, registrations, personal records, academic advising, courses, grades, scholarships and payments, document requests, and graduation. You may register for courses, apply for the dormitories, and display your grades via SIS (http://sis.ozyegin.edu.tr/).
2. Learning Management System (LMS)
LMS offers access to course materials and assignments. LMS also allows you to communicate with your course instructors. You may send your assignments to your course instructors via LMS. LMS offers a rich and flexible learning environment. Please download the Moodle application either via your web browser or mobile markets in order to start using our LMS system right away. (http://lms.ozyegin.edu.tr/)
3. myOzU Intranet
MyOzU is the gateway to our University’s information systems. It serves as the single point-of-access to all the information you will need during your life at the University. MyOzU is the go-to -place for your questions such as “When is the next Altunizade shuttle?”, “Where is Professor Ahmet’s office?”, “How much balance is left on my Campus Card?”, “What events are there on campus today?” “What’s today’s lunch menu in the dining hall?” or “What time is my next class?”. MyOzU also includes “OzUCampus”, which is our on-campus social communication and information application.
4. Solution Center
The Solution Center serves to maintain the continuity continued availability of all the amenities offered at our University, and offer immediate support for any requests, recommendations, issues, and complaints.
Our students may submit all of their questions and issues pertaining to the University, from our information infrastructure to dining and cleaning services, technical services to air-conditioning, and heating to transportation services, via the Solution Center.
5. Office 365
Through our University’s collaboration with Microsoft Turkey, Office 365 is now freely available to all of our students. Office 365 includes Office applications “Word”, “Excel”, “PowerPoint”, “Outlook”, and “OneNote”, and “OneDrive” storage. You may download Office 365 to your Mac or Windows laptops via portal.office.com by entering your OzU.Net email account. (http://portal.office.com)